State law mandates that all dogs over six months of age must be licensed in the town in which they reside and must wear the tag on a collar around their neck.
All dogs licensed in the State of Connecticut require a current rabies vaccination. The Town Clerk encourages licensing by mail. Please provide the documentation and fee as outlined below, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If you are licensing a new dog by mail, please also include your name, address, phone number, the dog’s name, age, breed and color.
Puppies must be licensed by the time they turn 6 months old. New dogs must be licensed within 30 days of obtaining them. You must provide documentation from the veterinarian showing the expiration date of your dog’s rabies vaccination (not the tag). No licenses will be issued without this information. If your dog has been spayed or neutered, you must bring documentation from the veterinarian as proof (or check your rabies certificate as it might state that your dog is an "MN" (male neutered or an "FS" (female spayed). The fee for licensing an unaltered dog is $19.00. The fee for licensing a spayed or neutered dog is $8.00. Licenses not applied for within the required 30 days will be subject to a penalty of $1.00 per month.
All dog licenses are renewed in June to become effective July 1. If your dog’s rabies vaccination has expired since the last time you licensed your dog, you must provide documentation from the veterinarian showing the new expiration date. No licenses will be renewed without this information. If your dog is newly spayed or neutered, you must bring documentation from the veterinarian. The fee for renewing the license of an unaltered dog is $19.00. The fee for renewing the license of a spayed or neutered dog is $8.00. A late fee of $1.00 per month per dog is assessed.
If your dog is currently licensed in one Connecticut town and you have since moved to East Haddam, you can transfer the dog’s license for a $1.00 fee. Also, if you acquire a dog that is already licensed by its prior owner, you may transfer that license to your name for $1.00
If your dog loses its tag, a replacement can be obtained for $1.00.
Kennel licenses are available in groups of 10 tags. The fee is $51.00. Licenses not issued by June 30th may be subject to late penalties.
Violation of the licensing law carries a fine to be imposed by the Animal Control Officer. For further information.
Liquor permits are obtained through the State Liquor Control Commission, however they must be recorded at the Town Clerk’s office. Effective July 1, 2018 the fee is $20.00.
Sporting licenses can be obtained at the Town Clerk’s Office or on line at
The Town receives $1.00 for each license issued at its office. The Town Clerk’s Office does not accept credit card payments.
Proof of successful completion of the appropriate Connecticut Conservation Education course or a license issued within the past five years must be available in order to obtain a firearms, bow or trapping license in Connecticut.
Marriage licenses must be obtained in the town where the ceremony is to be held. There is no requirement for premarital blood work or a waiting period in Connecticut. The East Haddam Town Clerk’s Office has jurisdiction to issue marriage licenses for ceremonies occurring within its borders only.
Please complete the marriage license worksheet (see link below) and forward it to the Clerk's Office at The license will be prepared in advance of the applicants coming in to obtain the license. Once issued, a marriage license is valid for 65 days.. The cost of a license is $50.00 payable at the time of issuance. The Clerk's Office does not accept debit or credit cards. please be prepared to tender payment either by check or cash.
After the ceremony has been performed, the license must be returned to the town of occurrence by the Officiator. Certified copies shall be available at the Town Clerk's Office in the town where the ceremony was held and subsequently in the towns of residence of both parties as long as the towns are within Connecticut. Likewise, certified copies of marriage licenses for East Haddam residents that occurred in other towns within our state will be available at the East Haddam Town Clerk’s Office. Social security information shall be redacted on any marriage license issued if the requestor is not named in the certificate. The fee for issuance of a certified copy is $20.00. Please see vitals on the prior page to request a copy for a marriage that has already been performed.
Marriage License Worksheet.pdf
Certified copies of Marriage Licenses are available upon request and payment. Please follow the directions on the form below and mail with payment to:
Town Clerk
1 Plains Road, PO Box 385
Moodus, CT 06469
Justices of the Peace – 01/04/2021 – 01/02/2025
Robert Bennett (R)
42 Beebe Road
East Haddam, CT 06423
Joanne B. Bernard (U)
31 Maple Avenue
East Haddam, CT 06423
Joseph J. Corbett (R)
56 Great Hillwood Road
Moodus, CT 06469
Randolph W. Dill (R)
155 Beebe Road
East Haddam, CT 06423
Bruce Dutch (D)
91 Moodus-Leesville Road
Moodus, CT 06469
Janet Heisler (U)
48 Hopyard Road
East Haddam, CT 06423
James Johnson (D)
121 Moodus-Leesville Road
Moodus, CT 06469
Sundai Jordon (U)
9 Stanley Avenue
East Haddam, CT 06423
Susan Kinsman (D)
161 Newberry Road
East Haddam, CT 06423
Mary Ellen Klinck (D)
2 Broom Road
East Haddam, CT 06423
Emmett J. Lyman III (R)
136 Town Street
East Haddam, CT 06423
Mary Murphy (D)
197 River Road
East Haddam, CT 06423
Brad Parker (D)
318 Town Street
East Haddam, CT 06423
Craig Rogoff (R)
65 Falls Bashan Road
Moodus, CT 06469
Mark B. Walter (U)
10 Deer Run
East Haddam, CT 06423
Michael D. Werner (R)
PO Box 34
East Haddam, CT 06423