General Information
Toni McCabe
Social Services Coordinator
Andrea Webster
Prevention & Program Coordinator
Taylor Setzler
Administrative Assistant
Kristen Waltamath
Phone Numbers
(860) 873-3296
Fax: (860) 873-3243
Emergencies: Dial 911
38 William F. Palmer Road
P.O. Box 572

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:00pm

Youth & Family Services

Who We Are:
East Haddam Youth and Family Services is a private, non-profit agency that was started by a small group of high school students and adults working together to provide services for young people in our community. That history of building partnerships continues to be the foundation for the work we do today. EHYFS works collaboratively with our town government, school system, local and state police, civic and faith organizations, parent groups, youth and adults and several regional and state agencies. We are committed to offering programs and services at little or no charge so that cost does not prevent anyone from being able to participate.

East Haddam Youth and Family Services is dedicated to inspiring the potential of and promoting the positive and healthy development of youth and families. EHYFS strives to create and enhance opportunities which advance the quality of life for all youth and families within the community by providing a spectrum of prevention, intervention, and advocacy services.

Social Service Coordination:
The Social Services Coordinator collaborates with local social service initiatives to provide a centralized delivery and referral system to residents who need assistance with meeting basic needs.  This includes connecting residents to the Food Bank, the Clothing Bank, the Senior Center, the River Valley Personal Care Products Program, energy/fuel assistance programs, 211 emergency shelter and housing support (rental and mortgage assistance) as well as public transportation. The Social Service Coordinator collaborates with local, regional and state-wide social service organizations such as the Salvation Army, Operation Fuel, Community Renewal Team, Husky Health, Department of Social Services, Department of Aging and Disability Services, Affordable Housing and Home Repair programs through HUD.

If you need more information about the CT Energy Assistance Program or need help with applying for Energy Assistance, please contact Andrea Webster at EHYFS.  Applications are accepted every year from September - May.

If you are at risk of being homeless, call 211 for immediate assistance and then follow-up with EHYFS Social Services Coordinator, Andrea Webster.

Andrea Webster is available Monday - Thursday at East Haddam Youth and Family Services, located at 38 William F. Palmer Road in Moodus.  She can be reached by phone at 860-873-3296 or by email at